June 20, 2014-cardio and legs

After deciding to do this 5K on July 11th, my sister-in law volunteered to train with me. This morning we met up at 6 am and completed a 4.75K run/walk which is the first time I had ran outside since September and the first time she had been out running since the 5K she did in May.

We completed a 5 minute warm-up, then ran 5, walked 3, ran 5, walked 3, ran 5, and then walked 10 minutes to cool down.

-1 set 8 lunges per leg with 15 lb bar and added 50 lb.=65lb.
-3 sets of 8 squats with 15 lb bar and added 70 lb.=85lb.
-3 sets of 10 calf raises with 15 lb bar and added 120 lb.=135lb.
-3 sets of 10 (per leg) single leg extension with 30 lb.
-3 sets of 10 (per leg) single leg curl with 40 lb.

**looking to add more to leg day but I seem to keep running out of time to add more because of gym hours and having to work in the morning**


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